A Very Painful Shot

September 29, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Tenacity It had rained harder and longer than any of the locals could remember. In Acadia National Park, Maine, that was particularly impressive, but not conducive to the Fall color photography I had in mind. When we finally got a break in the weather, Marie and I headed out just to see something other than the interior walls of our modest motel room, so we were excited! We quickly hit Boulder Beach and Monument Cove in darkly overcast and damp conditions, and got a few images. We were scrambling on some big boulders above Monument Cove where it was wet, but my Keen boots seemed to be doing just fine. With camera in hand (major error in slippery conditions), I had just turned to see this lone, wild blueberry bush that was a bright red splash of color against the overcast setting with the iconic Otter Cliffs in the distance​. Not paying attention to my footing, my boot slipped from the top of a steeply slanted boulder and with the full force of all my weight on the one foot, I slid about 3 feet and slammed into the sharp rock wedge at the bottom. It was one of those moments where you can't speak, breathe or move. It is pure white heat through your brain and body, and I knew I was in trouble.  (The wonderful staff at Mt. Desert, pronounced "de-sart'", Island Hospital subsequently diagnosed it as a double fracture of the 5th metatarsis, something they saw rather frequently!) When I finally regained control of my bodily functions, I hobbled and crawled over to set up the shot I was after. I took several exposures, each time wiping tears off my face, glasses, viewfinder and camera. It turned out to be one of my favorite shots of the trip, but it is the most painful picture I have ever taken. Through the saintly patience of Marie and Amanda, about 2/3rds of the Mainly Maine Gallery images were shot while I was on crutches and in a boot that looked like it came from the props department in Robocop. But I got the shots!


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