Twilight Kiss

August 05, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

The Kissing Couple is photographed thousands of times a year and is one of the icons of Olympia. The Sandman tugboat with Budd Bay in the background has also achieved selfie status. My thought was to combine the two in one shot with a unique perspective. When I scouted the location in the afternoon, viewed at ground level, the boardwalk railing blocked the Sandman completely. The tide was rising, but would not lift the boat high enough to clear the railing by sunset.

I arrived 45 minutes before sunset. With my tripod at full height and the center post fully extended, when standing on a three foot stepladder I had brought, the Sandman cleared the railing. I moved the tripod a few times until I got the Couple, the boat and marina framed in, while carefully framing out the trashcan that the City had bolted to the boardwalk. Since the boardwalk is part of the character and feel of Percival Landing, I tipped the camera down slightly and got a great diagonal leading line slanting to the left.  I waited for sunset, which turned out to be a bust. Then, as twilight rolled in, Mother Nature lit up the sky and as a bonus for my hard work, gave me clouds running diagonally to the right. Oh, and the Olympics in the distance. Thank you very much! 

Right place, right time, right setup, and a beautiful gift. Twilight Kiss


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